This book could save your life!
I’m seventy-two years old and I spent the first fifty-five years abusing my body. Then I paid the price for all those years in a big way. Having given up on allopathic medicine, I then spent the best part of twenty years studying every natural health book, video and docuseries I could find. Eventually, the knowledge found during those years resolved most of my health issues. So why am I telling you all this? Because ‘What Really Makes You Ill’ is the best ‘health book’ by a mile – though it’s much more than a health book – I’ve ever come across. If you want to find out why you are chronically unwell or if you just want to avoid chronic illness – BUY THIS BOOK – But be prepared for some shocks and even more Eureka moments.
A real eye opener
When you realise how we have been deceived by big pharma it is a mind blowing experience . The truth is all so obvious , you wonder how we have been fooled for so long . Wonderful book and life changing information . I attended one of Dawn and Davids talks . Met so many nice people and had a great night of Awakening
A Much Needed Expose of Fake Science
In the seventies, I purchased Dr. Mendlesohn’s “Confession of A Medical Heretic”. In the nineties, I purchased Dr. Duesberg’s book, The invention of the Aids Virus. Similar to Mikovits and other scientists who dared to report challenges to Fauci’s research kingdom, Duesberg”s career was ruined and this lucrative religion continued to control the minds and ruin the health of the public . This book is priceless.. Brave scientists are presented and, in Mendlesohn’s words, “a religion” masquerading as science challenged. Without the pseudo science of allopathic medicine, deaths, billions of profits and the loss of freedom would not have occurred Kudos! Everyone should read.
Truly grateful for this information
Landing on this information about the dangerous LIE of “deadly viruses” has literally caused a massive paradigm shift—-a deeeeeep resonation from within confirming all of it. The scam of “germ theory” is the elephant in the room. Once I acknowledged this, I find that I am so much more intentional about my health and what I CHOOSE/CONSENT to go into my body.
Reality/ Truth do not need a marketing campaign and for those who thirst for WISDOM, they will come to this Truth. Truth does not try to be “nice” or gentle. Truth can cause a very uncomfortable unraveling of all the lies, conditioning and brainwashing we have all been spoon fed, which can lead to cognitive dissonance. And as we know and see very clearly within these last two years, that are so many people avoiding the Truth, because it is challenging their perception of a FALSE PARADIGN/ “reality.”
Life-changing book that should be in every home in the land.
I’m still only on page 533 of this fantastic book, but I’ve been blown away by everything I’ve read so far. It is written in such a manner that anyone can understand what is being explained by Dawn and David. I always had questions about many medical issues/practices, however, this book answers practically everything I would ever want to know. How we have been deceived by the pharmaceutical-owned medical establishment over many years is mind-boggling. Thank you for this enlightening, wonderful book. I can’t wait to finish it & then read it again.
It’s time the truth was exploded and we startled to move in a new direction!
Excellent presentation of relevant data explosing the misconceptions and outright lies our society has been subject to, and been living under. One has to marvel at the spell the medical/pharmaceutical industry has placed us under; not to mention the untold billions they have raked in at society’s expense. And “they” have the audacity to point the finger at others and label them as “quacks!” Excellently researched proof, something the medical industry seems to avoid.
Life changing
If you want to wake up to the reality of health and how the pharma complex has deceived the world read this book.
I implore you to read this book
It’s a book you can’t wait to pick up, again and again, to continue the read, well, it is almost 800 pages! Then you go back and read something startling you read in the book earlier, just to confirm that you didn’t dream it. It stretches your mind and then moulds it back into shape. I couldn’t believe how easy and enjoyable it was to read, it was compelling, almost spellbinding, it made you sad and then angry as you began to grasp the enormity of the message coming from almost every page. It took Dawn and David over 10 years to research and write, and the result is a professionally portrayed catalogue of disasters and lies that have devastated humanity on so many levels.
So here’s a thought! let’s stop wasting our time trying to convince people that lockdowns don’t work, that PCR and lateral flow tests don’t work, that masks don’t work and certainly that ‘vaccinations’ don’t work, instead, just tell them that the authorities have been lying for 150 years about viruses, in that viruses don’t exist in any form, and here’s the thing, if they don’t exist there is no need to put a toxic chemical from a vaccination into our bodies.
Yes, very difficult to grasp when you are introduced to this devastating fact for the first time. Read the book and then research, Dawn and David are not alone, they have simply taken on the mantle of responsibility to place this massive deception onto a higher platform for the public, including the medical establishment, to read for themselves. It is time for all of us to wake up.
Let’s all stop being ‘cash cows’ for the pharmaceutical industry.
No viruses - no vaccinations! What a simple solution to the present problem.
It’s a book you can’t wait to pick up again and again to continue the read – then you go back and read something you read in the book earlier just to confirm that you didn’t dream about. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to read – it was almost spellbinding – it made you sad and then angry as you began to grasp the enormity of the message coming from almost every page. Let’s stop wasting our time trying to convince people that lockdowns don’t work, that PCR and lateral flow tests don’t work, that masks don’t work and certainly, that ‘vaccination’ doesn’t work – instead, just tell them the authorities have been lying for 150 years about viruses, in that viruses don’t exist, and if they don’t exist then there is no need to put a toxic chemical from a vaccination into our bodies. It is time to wake up! Let us stop being ‘cash cows’ for the pharmaceutical industry.
Ahead of its time!
It’s pretty hard to argue when you read how the authors literally predicted what is now happening. It’s understandable that we believe in cooties and we believe we can control them too.. No one ever questions the idea of spreading germs and sickness because it’s easy to believe. The kind of experiments necessary to advance this area of science is particularly cruel sounding and would be difficult to find volunteers for but it would demonstrate the uncertainties inconsistencies of our current germ theory. The ability to cast doubt is where most people hop off the train. But doubting science IS science and to be unwilling to test theories is a great way to stay ignorant and unaware as a species. Thanks to these fine folks for putting in the work and compiling all of this crucial information for our benefit. I loved the book and my only gripe is it’s too damn big!!
Wish everyone would read this book!
Mind-blowing, yet obvious too! Just goes to show the level of brain-washing by Big Pharma. Every drug has side effects so every time a doctor prescribes a drug he is breaking his Hippocratic oath to cause no harm – I am saying this to everyone! A fantastic read, that I wish everyone would pick up, the world would be a better place!
You'll need to read this book more than once
I did.
There’s such a clear overall perspective
There’s so much information to process- yes indeed.
There’s a whole mindset to alter- which can be painful as well as difficult
It’s taken me nearly 2 years – and I’m in no way finished
No Virus! No Plandemic!
Your book contains vital information that the world needs NOW! We are being bamboozled by fake news and corrupt medical and other agencies. The deceptive germ theory is at the root of the current plandemic and the creation of Big Pharma.
Thank you! God bless you!
This needs to be read by all health care professionals and workers.
When you understand the truth, you easily see through the deceptions and misconceptions, then you have to walk away because your conscience cannot carry the burden of knowing that you may have harmed people when believing that you were helping.
Being an "Activist" (health/political/environment/communication/etc) having truthful information is paramount.
Your book provides exactly what the world needs, honest and well documented and referenced information to dispel the western-medical establishment myths, particularly involving vaccinations.
The 40 pages of references are appreciated. The world may be able to gain sanity by reading this book, thank goodness. Thank you from the depths of my heart.
honest unbiased thorough research
not much in life is more important than our health & quality-of-life. this book helps the reader understand how the body actually works and explains falsehoods & myths we’ve been told our entire lives. sadly, profits are priority above health & healing in the medical industry. this book offers authentic truth with a wealth of research & knowledge. this amazing book will be
eye-opening &
life-changing – more than worth its cost and your time to read. you will be so glad & proud of your choice once you read it.
The WHOLE WORLD needs to read this!
First of all I want to thank you both for doing your research…people like you are up there with the Legends. It must have been painstakingly hard to gather and write this information with such clarity. Knowledge is truly king and knowledge is to be shared. We are all sisters and brothers that are connected and it is our duty and responsibility to look after each other with LOVE and COMPASSION… and it is NOT AT ALL about money. Those who turn a blind eye to the truth are doing catastrophic damage to humanity. Everyone needs to wake up! This book is GOLD!!! information at its best. I have read up to Chapter 2 and I felt the need to write a review already. I have been a pain therapist for over 7 years and I have received a vast amount of information from my clients and I am also studying Biomedical Science at University. I am surprising struck by the amount of ‘things’ missed by the Medical profession…they really dont get to know their patient holistically…I do not believe its because they dont want too its likely because they do not have enough time. These people are struggling emotionally and are looking to find comfort and safety on many levels. I thought at University that I would get many answers to why my clients who are in pain are also ill too… but I havent…I knew that the human body was massively complex but I could not believe when I started going lectures how many conclusions were based on theory after theory. What came up in lectures was the use of the word ‘phenomena’ a lot and it simply meant you can see it happening but we dont know why.. I have ended up with more questions than answers. Your book answers many of those questions – I thank you very much and I will continue to read your book. I hope and pray that the whole world reads this book. Sorry for so much detail in the review.
Great info, the book is well worth a read and exposes many flaws.
I came across Dawn and David after researching the non existent “covid virus”. I knew it was rubbish long before the supposed “virus” got to the UK, but after watching a lot of their interviews and purchasing their book “What really makes you ill”, it clarified a lot of what I already knew, and put into perspective a lot that I wasn’t aware of. I knew the pharmaceutical industry were killing people and ripping them off, but I didn’t realise to what extent, that the very foundation on which the medical industry itself is based on, is a complete lie. No longer will I go to a doctor, (not that I really did in the first place) as after reading this book and watching their interviews, its safe to say, that I am now loaded with far better, and more accurate info than any mainstream doctor can give. A big thanks to Dawn and David for dedicating 10 years to the research of this book, and their continued efforts to get the truth out! Thank you so much!
Absolutely Brilliant Book
One of the most important books you will ever read. Not only challenges the entire false paradigm of modern “medicine” but is filled to the brim with fascinating insights. I have spent years checking references and ideas in this book and everything they say checks out. Read this book. You won’t regret it!
Outstanding research about the real causes of disease.
This book exposes the medical profession and all their fraudulent claims. It is a damning indictment and why I keep well away from the white coats. Cannot recommend highly enough. It is a massive tomb, but well laid out and easy to reference. Having read Murder by Injection by the late great Eustice Mullins about how modern medicine was created (finance and fraud courtesy of Rockefeller, Carnegie and the Flexner report). This book is a fantastic up to date mine of information. Cannot recommend it enough, wish it was in every household in UK. Thank you Dawn and David.
Two of a handful of people on the planet who are capable of providing ultimate Truth!
‘Germ Theory’ is 100% FALSEHOOD. David & Dawn illustrate this point very well in their 777 pages of well-documented research. Thank you for your monumental efforts on this project!
Excellent information
I read this book before the pretend killer virus was announced.
The information in the book is explained in mostly non clinical terms and both sides are shown in the reasoning.
I have been reading medical books for many years (since I was 8 years old). No idea why I had the interest but this is by far the best and most honest information ever.
Thank goodness for these Authors.
This book challenges the germ theory to its very core
WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? Why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong
This 777 page book by two non doctors, Dawn Lester is an accountant and David Parker is an electrical engineer, challenges the germ theory to its very core, a theory which is the foundation of our current allopathic medical system.
Everyone should read this book!
I thought I was doing OK health-wise until I read this book! In terms of physical consumption, I had it sorted but I wasn’t aware of the chemical toxins and how sinister corporations are in terms of chemicals, true toxicity and a serious lack of testing in relation to the effect it has on humans and the environment. I am a true convert now and have reduced chemicals (as much as is currently possible) everywhere around me. Just thinking hair and skin products that were labelled ‘natural’ were OK was a mistake… now I know what ‘natural’ should really be. It was a true blessing to find this book and I have the upmost respect and thanks to Dawn and David for their time and dedication to it.
There is one discussion point I would like to raise for consideration which is in relation to herbs that can support bodily recovery. As a qualified Phytotherapist, I have never suggested herbal remedies as a symptom solver (yes, I have gone against the ‘scientific/medical’ stance of some tutors). I have always believed that herbs should only be used to support the body to heal itself – not to get rid of symptoms. For me, herbs are about reminding the body what it should be doing – if there is no improvement in 3 days then there will be no improvement. But they should never be taken on their own, nutrition is king – always. Perhaps a less orthodox view of herbalism could be offered – for me, it’s the way that herbalism should be practiced, regardless of whether ‘science’ backs it up.
Regardless to that, this book should be read by everyone who is ready to take full responsibility for their health and well being. I think this past year has taught us that big pharma are only interested in money.
A truly amazing read – thank you!!
Warning: Mind Expanding, Awareness Shifting Content
Ahead of our time, yet right on time! Rocking the foundation of health, medicine and beyond. The authors’ brilliant research brings forth hidden knowledge about the nature of being a Human. It uncovers truths and enables a clearer vision through the bitter illusion of society. At the very least this book can teach one how to care for their own mind, body and environment. Share, share this book with family and loved ones. Especially during these times of prevailing confusion and unawareness.
Immense admiration for the authors of this book
When I read this book everything fell into place for me. It also helped me cope with at least some of what is happening in the world today. One can’t go back to one’s previous ideas/beliefs after reading it. Dawn and David’s reasoning and common-sense are inspiring! And one certainly gets the sense of the massive amount of work and research that has gone into it. The book is really clear, well-written and well-structured – I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending it to all readers, with a scientific background or not. And now I am going to read it again!
Thank you both for this invaluable work.
A crucial read for these times.
This is a truly amazing book. In my opinion a crucial read for everyone in these times. I am not surprised that it took ten years of research. Once read it can’t be unread and should therefore lead to a new understanding of how we can keep ourselves and our planet healthy. I originally bought the kindle version but have now also bought the paperback. As I am going to introduce it to everyone I know, it’s going to be very well used!
Brilliant book. So we'll researched
Dawn and David are really wonderful authors and have done such amazing work ( 10 years research ). I really can’t put it down. I’ve truly learned so much
Thank you Dawn and David .
Should be read by everyone!!!
This book exposes all that is wrong with the global medical establishments.
It’s one of the best books out there.
If you value truth, this is a must read.
Essential reading for those willing to question the medicalisation of modern culture
The late great Ivan Illich wrote about all this way back in the 1970s in his book ‘Medical Nemesis’. This is one of the best books I have ever read in my over 60 years on this planet. Modern culture has been comprehensively ‘captured’ by a materialistic, positivistic, patriarchal worldview that falls apart under the merest scrutiny. If there’s any justice in this world, this book deserves to play a key role in the urgently required paradigm shift that Western corporatised medical science needs to make. But is humankind sufficiently evolved to make that shift? We’ll see… – but read this wonderful book to find out what needs to change about our wholly wrong-headed approach to illness, health and well-being. Wish I could give it more than 5 stars!
Eye opening
Great read.
I took the liberty of going straight to the ‘malaria’ passage. Where I live in Thailand, malaria and dengue fever are supposedly very common; and people do get sick. However, poisons abound in these parts. Insecticides, pesticides and fungicides on the farm, some strange concoctions in the food and 2k away a giant transmitting station.
When a ‘malaria day’ arrives, the whole area is pumped with a stinking chemical/smoke/gas (have pics) mix that stays in the area for days.
I studied exercise physiology at University, and it was there that I became aware of ‘terrain’ theory. All was generally put aside for 40 years but the covid virus mania rekindled my interest and research. Although the more I read the more ‘theory’ becomes ‘fact’.
I’m only part way through the book, and have read the same chapters on two/three occasions. Just have to read passages more than once. Will I ever reach the end?
What a read! What a book!
Thank you Dawn and David.
Wonderful Book - No More Fear
Thank you for writing this wonderful book.
I’ve just finished on page 737!
A truly amazing piece of work.
Definitely a must read to take charge of your own health care.
I would say the most important book of our age.
It also gives you actionable methods to build better health for the future.
There will be no fear after reading this book.
To know provides light, this book is the sun!
What Really Makes You Ill is trully a must-read book, everyone should read it and take control of their lives and health!
First of all, I would like to thank Dawn and David for their amazing work and their openminded research. You are really enlightenend human beings, thank you so much! Secondly, I would like to say that this book is one of the best books about health, if not the best, that I’ve ever read and I am still reading. As I said in the title of the review, it is trully a must-read and I wish that all the people all around the world had access and read this wonderful book. No more deceit, no more lies, we can take our power back!
The cure justifies the disease.
When the shock of the first lockdown had subsided I realise I had a need to deepen my understanding of health, even though I had spent the last 20 years learning about all forms of health care and healing and had recently written a book on Holism. I had already discovered the controversies of germ theory and the inadequacies of mechanistic biology. Finding this book addressed this appetite for more knowledge in that it made me realise how incomplete was my sense, not of the manifestation of disease, but of the orthodox concept of infection or contagion between one animal or organism and another.
Although I had long been sceptical of the idea of opportune or parasitic infection as the means of acquiring disease, and had learned from holistic cultures of the symbiotic dialogical dependence of all members of the ecosystem, I had retained this blind spot to do with the idea of diseases as somehow a collective and mutually transmitted phenomenon. Admitted I had never really suffered from any so called infectious diseases but perhaps retained the memory of being put in a room with someone with chicken pox when I was about 11 yrs old and miraculously developing some pox myself. What this book did predominantly for me then, aside from the prodigious wealth of information on many medical dilemmas confronting the western cultural mind, was give me a complete and convincing picture of both the natural and cultural context of illness and the multiple ways it has been misconstrued in the west.
To be fair this is a magnificent piece of research and invaluable tool in the search for an authentic understanding of western medicine. If I hesitate to give it the full 5 star rating this is only because I feel it falls short of a full appreciation of the historical context of the emergence of medical orthodoxy as a corruption of traditional or naturalist understandings of our function within the ecosystem, and that this sense of the relationship with nature as both a physical and spiritual experience can be discovered in this tradition as well as extant world health cultures which diverge dramatically from the western obsession with materialist rationalism. I appreciate fully that this may well have been a deliberate omission given their remit to inform and liberate those of us suffering under the yoke of egotistical science in the modern capitalist world and on that count I thoroughly endorse this book as an essential volume in the curriculum of any future eightened educator.
The deceitful medical establishment
Thank you for this book.
I feel that I am being compensated for a lifetime of lies and deceit, not to mention sheer neglect by the long line of medical practitioners who have never demonstrated that they know a damn thing about anything.
This book is like a salve to the pain of knowing how the western medical industry has taken over the entire world, and now they try to give us Covid lies.
I sincerely hope that their days are numbered and that real health practitioners can take over.
Learning the TRUTH
I listened to one of your video’s on you tube and it blow my mind. I have been awake from the beginning of the covid hoax and have never worn a mask because something in my heart just didn’t feel right, (i’m so glad my heart is ruling my head) and not the corrupt government. THANK YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART.
Outstanding Evidenc Based Evidenc Against The Germ Religion (Theory)
Not much to say but wow. I do not like reading, but I read this book in less than a month. Could not put it down. Well researched showing the hypocrisy of modern medicine and it’s theories. I recommend this book to every one of my patients.
What Really Makes you ill
Thank you so much for your time and dedication in writing this book. I’ve been studying health and science for years and have the same conclusions. Doctors don’t want to make you well, they want to make a profit.
Should Be Made Compulsory Reading
Instead of subjecting people to scientifically meaningless, ultra-superstitious, and diabolical medical terrorism with high-handed compulsion, this book should be made mandatory in all schools across the world. Dawn and David just lay out the facts and explain the simple, yet elegant way our bodies actually work. Hats off to them! Praying that enough people wake up before they lose even more liberties.
Required Reading!
Science is not a Religion or a Dogma. Yet the profiteers who own and run the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industrial Complex have hijacked this field of science and its education sectors, and changed it into a global religious cult. This pseudoscience-based cult relies upon ‘belief’ in individuals with approved hierarchical positions. Real Science is based on skepticism, empirical evidence and non-censored debates… Dawn and David are Autodidacts with regards to the medical scientific arena which relieves them from the ongoing Inquisition in that field. They cannot be called Heretics and threatened with loss of license or professional banishment (which is happening to many professionals who are challenging the covid-19 pandemic); however, they may not be medical heretics, but they are potential targets of the growing COVID-19 Crusade. They have my support and respect!
Poisoned planet
This eye opening book tells the tragic story of the ongoing poisoning of our food, water, air, and soil by industry. It tells the tragic story of human poisoning through medicine, vaccines, and radiation. Modern medicine and science are contributors to this epic disaster because they are on a wild goose chase after germs. Vested interests($$$) are more important than truth.
An excellent indictment of the allopathic paradigm
There are many reasons why this powerful and excellent work should be hailed:
1) The authors used the disciplines from their individual areas of expertise to create a process for analyzing the allopathic medical/pharmaceutical arenas. This should inspire others to venture down those paths
2. They wrote about a subject matter that is often concealed from non-science educated people by a language that is complex and intimidating, yet this book is very digestible for ordinary people
3. This book is very consistent with their position on Germ Theory and allopathic Doctrine/Dogma.
As an African-american, I am greatly appreciative of this work, especially since every health statistic has my group suffering at disproportionate numbers in the U.S.
If a revised version is released in the future, I would love to see how the authors would address the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments 1932-1972. I personally wondered why there were a number of “survivors” from the initial group who were interviewed in their late 90s. I would like to see the documents of this malicious endeavor.
Thanx For Your Revolutionary Act.
If only people would listen!
This book is truly a gift to humanity and belongs in every household on Earth ; though its contents really *ought* to be common-sense, they’re lost on most.
Here’s hoping the ideas contained therein will reach mainstream saturation sooner than later. The world certainly needs it now more than ever.
This book helped me face an uncomfortable truth
This book helped me face an uncomfortable truth – we have been taught not to question medicine and blindly follow. Keep doing your amazing work – thank you.
New outlook on Life
After seeing the interview with Dr. Kauffman I immediately purchased the book in April. The thoroughly researched information is presented in a very cohesive and easy to understand manner. It’s ALOT to digest and antithetical to everything we’ve ever learned so prepare yourself for some cognitive dissonance. Once you move past the resistance and understand that Germ Theory has never been proven you can begin to organize your life in a new and healthier way. I’ve recently this book to many friends and family members
Life Saving..
I absolutely love this book. Your research is astounding and incredibly compelling. I never thought about the germ theory before until this past march when my entire livelihood was taken away from me. My husband and I fell into the depths of despair. In the beginning we were never scared of the “virus” just curious. Then things were not adding up and we became angry and incredibly confused. My sister recommended your book and after reading only a few pages I became
empowered. I never even considered and alternative to the germ theory as it is so ingrained in our lives.I have not even reached halfway through this book and I can not stop talking about it. I am constantly recommending it to anyone who will listen to me. You two have set me on a new course in life. I can not thank you enough!
If ever there was a modern day comparison for David and Goliath this is it!
If ever there was a modern day comparison for David and Goliath this is it. What Really Makes You Ill takes on the Giant Bully of a medical establishment that has systematically eroded what it was meant to protect; our health. As you read this; how do you feel? A simple question that in the bustlings of an over flowing day becomes less and less redressed, why? Because all of us unwittingly have been tricked into handing our senses over to people who should know better. The logicality of our thought process has been over ridden and twisted by a machine that literally desires us to be moulded into a certain way; their way of thinking, their interests, their way of medicine to… make us ill. Dawn and David have dared to stand up and question what we have all left to ‘those who know better’ for far too long, as we are all standing at that fork in the road for humanity. It is of no coincidence I feel that the cover is emblazoned with Rodin’s Thinker; and think we must. After all, what could be more important than our own health and the health of everyone around us; or are we losing that too; the ability to think for ourselves? The book is simple to understand and easy to follow, if you want to. Everything is systematically laid out and acutely referenced. Every stone that is turned is carefully replaced where it should be and the beauty of this book is that it is of the now, the present of where we all are. Everyone of us can take control of our own health and the health of our loved ones and the first practical steps are all within this book, as are the final really easy answers. Don’t be daunted by it’s size, it’s meant to be big, because as time goes by, you’ll want to know where it is, to be constantly referred to, treasured and guarded, revered and handed down; future generations need to know that there were the brave few who stood up to the many and for common sense; you will be one of them by reading this book and simply putting it in to practice. Oscar Wilde always said he never began a book at the beginning, nor at the end, somewhere in between, and this is my parting advice, because by spending time with the table of contents and beginning your journey with something that is close to your personal experience, something that you know about, will allow your heart, lead by your senses, to follow. Mine began with ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’, what will yours be?
Christopher Murray
Bless You For All Your Research
Your work is important and I thank you for writing WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL. It is among one of the most important books I own. The timing of your book could not have been better.
Bless you for all your research, boy, are you needed right now.
Wow! I literally can't put this book down!
I’m about a third of my way through, and I simply have to write a review. I haven’t been able to put this book down! My goodness, I wasn’t expecting this. You simply have to read this book.