Customer Reviews
This book could save your life!
I’m seventy-two years old and I spent the first fifty-five years abusing my body. Then I paid the price for all those years in a big way. Having given up on allopathic medicine, I then spent the best part of twenty years studying every natural health book, video and docuseries I could find. Eventually, the knowledge found during those years resolved most of my health issues. So why am I telling you all this? Because ‘What Really Makes You Ill’ is the best ‘health book’ by a mile – though it’s much more than a health book – I’ve ever come across. If you want to find out why you are chronically unwell or if you just want to avoid chronic illness – BUY THIS BOOK – But be prepared for some shocks and even more Eureka moments.
A real eye opener
When you realise how we have been deceived by big pharma it is a mind blowing experience . The truth is all so obvious , you wonder how we have been fooled for so long . Wonderful book and life changing information . I attended one of Dawn and Davids talks . Met so many nice people and had a great night of Awakening

“I am prepared to maintain with scientifically established facts, that in no single instance has it been conclusively proved that any microorganism is the specific cause of a disease.”
Dr M Beddow Bayly

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“Modern medicine can’t survive without our faith, because modern medicine is neither an art nor a science; it’s a religion...Just ask ‘why’ enough times and sooner or later you’ll reach the chasm of faith.”
Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
Objective investigations into the history of the practice have revealed that there is no science or evidence on which vaccination was originally based.
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